Cross Page Development Considerations

DiveTab cross pages compare two dimensions and their relationship to each other and relevant summary values. As you develop cross pages, keep the following in mind:

  • The basic requirements for a cross page are a title, a cPlan, a dimension, and a cross-dimension.
  • A cross page uses only one cPlan.
  • Using a cbase-input attribute within a cplan attribute is not supported with divetab files.
  • If using one summary column, use the no-summary-column tag to hide the summary name repeating for each row.

  • You can only specify two dimensions: the primary dimension and the cross-dimension.
  • You cannot expand summary columns on a cross page. Expand columns appear as regular summary columns and cannot be collapsed or expanded.
  • In DiveTab, select a column heading to display the context menu. Depending on the column type, the DiveTab user can:
    • Sort the dimension column up or down based on the dimension value.

    • Sort the TOTAL and cross dimension columns up or down based on a summary value.

      NOTE: Only one summary value can be used to sort at a time.

  • In the client, the primary dimension displays under the first blue column heading, while the cross dimension displays horizontally under the green column heading. The summary information displays beneath the green headings, showing where information from these two dimensions intersects.

    Here is Closedan example of a cross page.

    Example of a cross page with dimension and cross-dimension highlighted.

  • A Total row and column is automatically generated.

Usage Scenarios

  • Cross pages are useful for seeing how two dimensions interact and influence each other.
  • The dimension and the cross dimension should be related to each other.

Additional Features

  • Dimension values are sorted alphabetically unless an alternative sort is used.
  • Summary columns can be defined individually or using column-sets in the Definitions block.
  • Cross pages can use QuickViews.
  • Cross pages cannot use alert or bullet columns.
  • Cross pages can be defined within a pages or sections block.
  • Summaries can contain click actions that link to other DiveTab pages, websites, files, and more.